As a little girl I would lay and wonder if God would really be as faithful to me as I had heard about him being to others. Growing up in a neglective home I only hoped to experience the “purpose” I heard of God having for me. Today I stand on the foundation of a story that was turned around for good. From neglected to adopted. From fear to peace. Fueling a hurting heart with the spirit of joy. I can tell you, as a girl who hoped for many years, God really does desire to make a way for you. He doesn’t want to fill your life with purpose, it already is filled with purpose. God’s desire is not to hurt, it is to heal. His plan is not sadness, but joy. His intent is not pain, but purpose. That, is his true heart for you.

Feel The Smile was created with a dream to communicate God’s true heart with girls everywhere. People desire to know God but many don’t know where to begin. Feel The Smile exists to bridge the gap between wanting to know God and being equipped to walk with him. I pray in this space you find encouragement for your struggles. Through this community I believe you will find a friend in your loneliness. Through our resources you will be equipped with knowledge from Gods Word to experience joy no matter what life throws at you. Most importantly we seek to fill you with truth to know how much God loves you. To Feel The Smile, means to experience who God desires to be in your life. Oh the purpose you are filled with! Here is where you begin to walk in it.

Our Values

We value God, his word, people, and sisterhood. We live in a way that God gets the glory, walking in his word, so that others may experience him, to grow in sisterhood together.


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