Armed By God and Full of Peace

The armor of God can be easily overlooked. It’s a small passage but mighty in power. If you grew up in church you have heard about the armor of God a million times but if you didn’t then maybe you are missing out on its powerful truth. Ephesians 6:10-20 is a rescue passage from an attack from the enemy. It’s a passage that protects and shields when battles come our way. It’s the best armor because it doesn’t just protect the physical but the mental and emotional. Its a passage that can be forgotten until we need it most and when we need it the words work and the spirit moves. 

“Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”

As a child my grandmother was the most constant person in my life. Nights when I feared the reality around me she was always there when I called or needed to be picked up. As a result of that I always feared the day she wouldn’t be here anymore. Irrational fears have always filled my mind, the thought of losing someone you love so much. Last fall she was having a lot of health issues and the thoughts I was having went up a notch. I had never battled with my thoughts so much that I didn’t want to go to sleep at night. Every night brought new made up scenarios, tears, and worry of what might happen. When I had finally had enough of the enemy and knew I couldn’t fight the thoughts on my own I turned to the word.

I had spent nights going to bed with my eyes wet from tears and this night I decided to read the armor of God and pray for my mind. After I did that, it was the first night since all the health complications started that I truly slept with peace. When I woke up it was like I was surprised it worked lol. Every night for as long as I needed I would read the armor of God. My mind turned from being burdened with fear to being filled with peace. His words are powerful and true and I know his armor will cover you too. 

“Finally be strong in the Lord, in His mighty power.” We are instructed to be strong in the Lord, not ourselves. It’s humbling to say but we can’t do this on our own. We need his strength and his power as we fight the battles that the world brings. We have the option to be strong in the Lord and to use his power because he desires to share his authority with us. No longer ruled by our battles but ruling them. 

“Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist” Stand firm, don’t waiver. Remember the place God brought you from, now you are a new creation who you used to be has passed away and you aren’t submissive to that because you have authority over it. God’s truth is what fuels your faith in the battle. You know he will be with you and fight for you because he is true to his word. “And with a breastplate of righteousness in place,” A breastplate is something that covers and protects the main areas of the body. Every vital organ for living is covered by the breastplate, yes every Armor of God is essential, but this one is protecting your life. God fights for your life when battles come your way. 

“And with your feet being fitted with the readiness that comes from the Gospel of Peace” God’s heart is always our benefit and in this place the benefit is walking a life in peace. The enemy wants us to believe that we can’t have peace in chaos or peace in the uncomfortable season but Jesus is here to say “cast all of your cares on me, why? Because I care for you and I want your feet to be fitted with the Gospel of peace. “In addition to all of this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of evil on.” Our faith protects us when it is in action. It is a shield to the enemy when we let our faith be activated in our walk. 

“Take the helmet of salvation.” The reminder that we are saved and to surrender our minds, there is power when we guard our minds with salvation because when we actively believe that God saved us. Shame can’t fill our minds, fear can’t fill our minds, and we are able to live freely because with salvation Christ set us free. “And the sword of the spirit, which is the Word of God.” In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. The word never stopped being with God, God never stopped being with the word and the word never stopped being him. There is no better weapon to fight with than with the worlds that built the world. The powerful word of God. 

XO Scarlet


The Nearness of God in our Life


The Power of Identity